I hate to admit it but I am someone who is very much glass half empty than glass half full. Its something that I'm working on but it's a personality trait of mine non the less.
One of the things I've been dealing with recently is something that I call 'Life Envy' the feeling that the grass is always greener on someone else's side than it is to yours. At the moment a lot of my friends and family are getting new jobs, buying their first house, getting into brand new relationships where as I have stayed put and things have been rather consistent, and while that's not a bad thing. I think I speak for many when I say you can't always keep a positive view on your life when just scrolling through your newsfeed brings up a tone of engagements, babies, career changes and new homes. I am so so happy for my friends that are going through these and when I speak to the people closest to me many people say that different things happen to different people at different times. But when I have a bad day, I've got to admit I do look back and wonder if I've made the right decisions.
So how do we overcome this feeling?
Remember that you are not failing.
This is when a bit of 'you' time comes in. You need to consider why you made these decisons, and why you feel you are failing. Take a positive spin on your thoughts and look at why you feel things are different compared to the people around you, and do you actually want to be exactly the same as everyone else? It is important although difficult, to see your achievements and also use the time you are feeling reflective to develop a plan for what you want for yourself.
Talk about it.
Although you may think that all your friends are doing better than you I can guarantee that when you sit down and open up about how you are feeling they will feel exactly then same about their life. Or they can take it on the flipside and encourage you to be as positve and happy about their goals and achievements as you are about theirs.
Take yourself off social media (even if only for a couple of hours)
I think social media and namely Facebook is one of the biggest causes of 'life envy' and it is the one thing you can take yourself away from pretty easily (as hard as it may seem). Sometimes it's about taking yourself out of those situations, off a screen and in a nice relaxing bath or reading a book. Suprisingly we don't have to have our phones in our hands in every situation and while it might not work when you're relying on that important text I do think stress and overthinking comes from our reliance on technology.
not a beauty related post this week but I hope it was helpful non the less!
I hope to be posting more regularly again soon!
Zoe x
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